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Old 02-12-2013, 06:09 PM   #10
Dan Richards
Dojo: Latham Eclectic
Location: NY
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 452
Re: Tuning the "skin" video

Budd Yuhasz wrote: View Post
Hi Dan - I couldn't listen to the audio for some reason, but a few comments on what I saw. Structurally, I like the starting point you've chosen as it does help to enable the stretch of the skin and emphasize the rooting of the feet and lengthening of the spine.
Excellent! And thanks, Budd. So, even without hearing what I was talking about; you got it! Just the idea - the mental imagery of The Skin as Structure. That's all I wanted to get across. I wasn't trying to show how to "play" the drum or "move" the drum - just to introduce the idea that tuning the skin will inherently create the structure.. And my attention was on quite a few things at once. And it's good that you were able to see all the "typos," so to speak. The errors. There's a number of them in there, and I wanted to leave them there - because if people can spot where the skin is "tuned" and where it's not, then we can immediately spot where the structure is integrated and where it's not. And if you can do that looking at me, and sense it, then you can do it with your own skin your own structure.

And that gives us all I was looking for. A starting point. : )
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