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Old 02-03-2013, 03:30 PM   #13
Dan Richards
Dojo: Latham Eclectic
Location: NY
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 452
Re: Aikido and inner aggression

Alex Mitchell wrote: View Post
I apologise for the misunderstanding by I still found it offensive and I stand by that.
Hey Alex. Welcome. Let's play with something. You came into a forum (a space) to ask a question and get some insight, from those possibly more experienced than you, about aikido practice and its potential for exploring among other things; anger.

So, "you've come on the mat" here, and you get the first response from someone, and you're instantly "offended" and "standing by it." That's like you going into a dojo, getting mad about something, and then standing in the middle of the mat and not wanting to budge - and even giving justifications for it. And you've done something else very interesting: You brought your demon on the mat, and now you're attempting to draw attention to yourself. : )

I can tell you this: The "mat," the "tatami," the "dojo," is an extremely dangerous place to bring your ego. Because it's a small space - at first - where we can suspend the outside world, and train and practice with others who are doing the same. Over time, if we allow it, that space increases. The "art of peace" will initially perhaps only be in the dojo. Make it that. A sacred space. Not a place for egos and every day problems. Focus on that. Allow that.

Over time, that "space" will increase and grow. It will continue with you on your way home. At some point, the peace will begin to enter your home, your workspace, your relationships. And what was once perceived (illusion) as "demons" will more correctly be acknowledged as allies along your path of liberation.

Henry's idea to "lighten up" is a profound one.
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