Thread: Vantage points
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:16 PM   #284
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: Vantage points

Howard Popkin wrote: View Post
Dan teaches about 12-14 hours per seminar @ $175

At 12 hours = 14.58 per hour
At 14 hours =12.50 per hour

If you don't think one of the best instructors in the world is worth 15 per hour than I'm not sure what you expect in this world. You pay your babysitter much more than that.

Seriously people, as someone who teaches seminars frequently I can tell you that NO ONE takes into account the day to get to the location and the day to get home.

If you factor in that time, there is no profit whatsoever, it is only the pleasure of sharing knowledge with good budo people.

If you aren't interested......DON'T GO.


The issue of how much someone makes for teaching a seminar had absolutely nothing to do with the initial thread. It arose, like other distractions, when people could not adequately address the thread/issues and simply resorted to attacking the poster in an irrelevant manner. I think that if we can not play into these "side issues" and keep people focused on addressing the issues raised in the thread, then maybe we can engage in serious discussions that can only help all of us improve as marital artists.


marc abrams
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