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Old 11-19-2012, 04:45 PM   #115
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Mike sigman's internal strength parameters- Have you guys read this; really!

Alfonso Adriasola wrote: View Post
Well, as far as labels matter this is tricky isnt it? If you consider that in the "neijia" this indoor stuff seems to be the norm rather than the exception. I dont know, it seems safer to let the label stay with the people who coined it and set store on it. The skill, the whole skill and the rabbit hole of how much is available to you seems to be a different level of conversation. Steal this technique is not going to be very conducive to generating a common understanding , a consistent one, or an unchanging one.
And the point you were trying to make is?

Alfonso Adriasola wrote: View Post
O sensei was continuously learning. He adapted things from other arts (lets not spin off into the old saw about Aikido not coming from DR). Wer'e trying to pin something that was being cooked in a long simmer to a fixed formula; a recipe that was always the same and never changed. I think that just confuses things.
Please list the arts that Ueshiba studied, took things from, and showed in some manner.

Please provide proof that Saito was wrong when he looked at the Budo book and stated that it was what Ueshiba taught him.

Please provide proof Ueshiba or his students stating that Ueshiba learned some martial art and then adapted it into his teaching.

Please start a new thread with the answers.

If you can't do those things ... then maybe it's your theories that are confusing things?
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