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Old 11-01-2012, 05:29 PM   #1
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,646
When did the word "Aiki" first appear?

Being a non-Japanese speaking person, I really wouldn't know where to start looking for this, but I'm very curious. When did the word "Aiki" first appear in usage in the Japanese language, and in what context?

I have seen people write that "Aiki no jutsu" appears as early as teh 12th century. I have also heard that Takeda Sokaku basically came up with the word to describe what he was doing. Are there any old records that show early usage of the word? Has it only been used to relate to martial arts?

I was speaking with a friend of mine who has a degree Chinese literature. He told me that as far as he knows, the combination of and are not common in old Chinese literature, and thinks it must be the advent of the Japanese.

Anyways, I'm interested in some scholarly answers, we have all "heard this" and "heard that" but how early can the combination of those Kana be found, in what contexts and what source's can be sited? Thanks!

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