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Old 10-30-2012, 05:40 PM   #10
Michael Hackett
Dojo: Kenshinkan Dojo (Aikido of North County) Vista, CA
Location: Oceanside, California
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,253
Re: Difficult uke or bad technique?

I think NagaBaba is correct in detailing the benefits of having a resistant Uke, but both the OP and her troublesome Uke are both mid-range kyudansha. At that stage it is easy to thwart the learning process of Nage - Uke knows the attack and the technique. I think it preferable to lighten up and allow Nage to develop the gross movements without excessive resistance. I define excessive resistance is that resistance that is so overwhelming Nage is stymied. I often ask my partner, regardless of rank, to increase resistance as we go along and I find that helpful for my own training. If I get stymied then, I have to find a way within myself to make it work without resorting to henka waza.

"Leave the gun. Bring the cannoli."
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