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Old 10-29-2012, 11:56 AM   #10
jonreading's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido South
Location: Johnson City, TN
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 1,209
Re: Ueshiba the monomaniac?

I think it is very likely these men, particularly Ueshiba, all presented eccentric behavior compared to their contemporaries. I believe nowadays we call this "drive"; at least, that is what the announcers say about high-functioning athletes when I watch a football game...

Ueshiba excelled in martial science. Considering the amount, duration, and dedication he devoted to his study, it is likely that he prioritized his study above other functions, certainly more so than mainstream society. I think rather than wonder if they were not normal, the reverse question, "How could these guys possibly be right in the head?" is the better one.

I think we sometimes forget the sheer will power it takes to truly excel. Math, sports, writing. Whatever. Then forget about the separation between these figures and normal society. Guess what you are left with? Justin Bieber. Or, Britney Spears. Or OJ Simpson. Or John Nash. Or Issac Newton. Or Abraham Lincoln (when he wasn't killing vamps).

Call it what you will, but it is safe to say these guys were "touched in the head".

Jon Reading
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