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Old 10-23-2012, 12:15 PM   #27
Location: Massachusetts
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Re: Theory: "Spiritual" vs "Learning something new we can't explain"

Ewen Ebsworth wrote: View Post
maybe, however I don't exclude practices from spirituality either. Using my analogy of Wordsworth, the wild daffodils may have been his inspiration, which in itself can be interpreted as a spiritual moment but the act of writing the poem could also be interpreted as him exercising his spirituality. The same way as Leonardo Da Vinci's painting the Last Supper could be argued was an exercise in him expressing or practising his spirituality, and not just for the art lover who may be drawn closer to Jesus through studying it. Does that make sense? Or have I misunderstood?
But in all these instances, the practice is still secondary. It's an expression of or an homage to the "spiritual moment"; it isn't the spiritual moment itself. In your examples, the "spiritual moment" is all in the mind, proceeds only from the mind, and whether it ever proceeds anywhere else is incidental. Contrast it with Buddhist traditions where the practice is essential, and where the "spiritual moment" may happen...but where clinging to it is still just another kind of clinging, ultimately not good for one. I wouldn't call the two views diametrically opposed, but they do seem to proceed from different fundamental assumptions.
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