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Old 10-18-2012, 08:55 PM   #8
Dojo: Aunkai
Location: Fairfax, VA
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 429
Re: IS/IP Styles and results comparisons

Jamie Yugawa wrote: View Post
Perhaps I should have worded it differently. Anyone here cross train in different IS/IP training? If so what incites have you gained from each teaching methodology?
You might want to talk with Robert John, who hasn't posted here in a while, who has studied with Akuzawa, met Mike, met with Sam Chin and one of his guys for a while too.

Can you mix and match exercises? Well I guess you can, but I didn't have much success doing that on my own until I had some guidance mainly because I was doing pretty much all of them wrong even when meeting weekly with someone with jin. I've lately been doing a lot of "stretching" and being able to maintain certain whole body stretches throughout various positions. Figuring out how to bend from the kua rather than the waist, and how to keep the shoulders from floating up without holding them in place muscularly as well as trying not to push back with muscles lower than what the other guy is using (as in doing the exercises more properly than I was) has helped me more than trying to collect exercises.

Last edited by HL1978 : 10-18-2012 at 08:58 PM.
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