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Old 10-15-2012, 04:13 PM   #56
Travers Hughes
Dojo: Aikikai
Location: Gold Coast
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 33
Re: Who's missing out? (On "Promotion and advertising" rhetoric)

Hi Mark, apologies if by my re-opening this thread I've caused an issue. I wanted to test a theory on personality and repeated behaviour patterns - I shouldn't have done so in an active environment.
I don't want to get involved in any history you may have with Graham (I have no right even assume that you have a history in the first place).
As a member that has not posted much, I rely on thread histories to help me formulate an opinion about posters and their comments - based on their previous posts. If controversial threads were deleted in which I was acting less than appropriately, any new member would not have this history about me. The reverse is also true - if I read a statment that I thought was out of line, I could read previous posts and be reassured that my perception is no that correct one. (Again, I'm not saying anyone has - just pointing out the individual accountability aspect that falls on us all).
Let me add that in looking at your post history, I am looking forward to hearing more from you to assist my future growth. This is not a suck up - I'm actively and selfishly looking for people I can gain knowledge from. Your posts are succint and factual - I appreciate this writing/thinking style.
(Reminds me, I haven't even posted in the introductions thread and am not giving you any frame of reference - will do so now).
Thanks and kind regards,