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Old 10-12-2012, 10:55 AM   #66
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: More on Aikido and the Floating Bridge of Heaven

Gary Welborn wrote: View Post
What you do is what you do......ok with that. My experience tells me that the Aiki Taiso while a movement set of exercises that are functional are missing some of the underlying points that make them truly effective in passing along IP/IS, that would make them a mindful training tool. Only the first level aspects were passed along....don't know if this was purposeful, just forgotten, not known or left for us to find out
.. and probably all of the above ... From my perspective, what I describe as "potentials" exist at the the points of inherent reversal in the aiki taiso. If held in that relaxed extension (pace Tohei) they relate to things I see and feel happening in these issues as shown and discussed. Not saying "the same," but definitely related.

Until folks get together to exchange ideas and practice on the mat with a casual setting there will never be a coming together. Of course folks will have to be willing to do this and to not hold on to tightly to concepts and ideas if they don't work.
... and until that opportunity arrives -- we have our own work -- and this way of trying to discuss things, as usefully as we can.

I do not despair that there IS in fact and in rigorous concept, a neutral and objective way of describing things that does not fall back on metaphors or analogy -- though I think any such description should properly capture that all the metaphors and analogies that have proved to be practical aids in training -- and thus demonstrated a concrete relation to the objective action that occurs and which we try to describe. No one has Holy Writ on this.



Erick Mead
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