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Old 10-06-2012, 03:24 PM   #16
Dan Rubin
Dojo: Boulder Aikikai
Location: Denver, Colorado
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 372
Re: Most common attacks against women? Self defense class research


I assume that your dojo's self-defense class is still in the planning stage (or are you looking to add reality to an ongoing class?). As suggested by the responses you've already received here, you might consider the importance of defining the course more specifically.

Do you want to offer a class in self-defense, which should include things such as staying out of bad neighborhoods, walking with good posture and awareness, being assertive when you're accosted on the street, and how to avoid getting involved with abusive men? Or do you want a class in how aikido techniques can be used against physical attacks that are typically used in present-day assaults on women? The latter is only a part of self-defense, but a part that an aikido instructor may be qualified to teach.

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