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Old 09-23-2012, 12:34 PM   #33
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Sumo: light vs heavy and IS?

Chris Hein wrote: View Post
The allusion you are making here:

Is saying that what I would call Aiki, is something trite, and unworthy of study.

Everyday I see most people (myself included) over react to situations that they see as challenging. When something "bad" is going to happen to us, most forget about the now, forget about the situation that is happening and fret about how bad it's going to be, or how little they prepared. Most of us forget about the relationship we have with our situation, and fall victim to the situation. Some of us fall victim by falling apart, some of us fall victim by lashing out inappropriately at the situation, but often we fall victim.

When was the last time you acted inappropriately towards someone you cared about, because you were not clear headed in a tense situation; yelling at your wife or kids? What I'm speaking about here is only Kokyu and Musubi, not even a full Aiki interaction (as I describe it). Yet, if you could simply do this small part of Aiki, your life, far beyond the ability to physically defend yourself, would be greatly improved.

You like to talk about how Aiki as I have described it, is simply external. Far from it friend, Aiki starts with your core being, in your spirit. Without internal ability you could never have what I call Aiki. Aiki has four steps, Kokyu, Musubi, Awase, Zanshin. You like to focus only on the physical Awase, and speak of how children, grannies and anyone off the street can do that. In a very basic sense you are right, all of those people can "move". It's moving appropriately that is difficult. It's moving in an Aiki way that is difficult. Aiki is not just physical, Aiki can be used in everything we do, conversation, work place interactions, music, art, life!

For me, Ueshiba brought a way for human kind to interact on deeper level. Not simply a means of being more powerful. While working Aiki in a martial format has great benefits, Aiki as a whole goes far beyond any physical feat. I learn and perfect my Aiki in the Dojo, doing hard physical activity, but I practice Aiki out in the world, with everyone I meet, every life I touch.

I do not think of what I call Aiki as trite.
Working so I don't have time for a full reply. I get what you are saying Chris. I agree with it all-except at calling that ...aiki.
And.....if you notice you keep putting words in my mouth. I am not saying that what you are describing is trite. It just isn't the high level deep stuff that captured the attention of so many generations.

Moving in an "Aiki way" as you mention begins with no movement at all. In fact it is the hardest part. Next is moving solo...still very difficult. The last is connecting to someone. By then it should be almost automatic. Oddly enough most of the greats were all known for following that model.

I already spelled out what Ueshiba said. It ties in with what ICMA have to say as well. And it isn't what YOU are calling aiki. Whether it is one, or two million; it doesn't change a teaching that was known and taught looong before we showed up. All of this is just redefining of something most people simply do not understand how to do or how it functions. Hence the reason so many fail against it. Something which is almost an exact quote of Ueshiba as well. They fail, because they do not understand Yin and Yang. And like much of everything else he we see a modern ICMA masterclass fellow (LCD) go to Japan and tune everyone he touched and what did he say?
Well he...all but quotes Ueshiba
"What is this ai-ki? Where is yin? Where is yang? How then can there be aiki-ki?
The more things are looked at, the more consistent they are becoming. No one is going to arrive at Ueshiba's model or the basic teachings that have spanned Asia and created a stream of greats....from doing kata and trying to match movement or get out of the way.
So...all cool. I like your train of thought. I like your examples. and I agree. It just isn't internal power and it isn't aiki.

Last edited by DH : 09-23-2012 at 12:48 PM.
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