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Old 09-22-2012, 11:24 AM   #26
ChrisHein's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido of Fresno
Location: Fresno , CA
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,646
Re: Sumo: light vs heavy and IS?

It sounds like a lot of what interests you in "Aiki" is the fact that it's special, unique and different then anything anyone else could do. If you found out that "Aiki" was something very simple, that anyone could do, but few ever realized it, would you be interested in studying it?

As I (and I believe a lot of others) describe "Aiki", you are correct, it is available to everyone. You don't have to join a special club, or know all the right people. People use "Aiki", as I describe it, everyday. When you hear a beautiful song, or see a great friendship, you are seeing examples of "Aiki".

The difficulty in practicing the art of Aikido, the part that is special and unique, is not the "Aiki" itself, it's the ability to use "Aiki" in a crazy situation. An Aikidoka has the ability to find accord with someone who is trying desperately to harm them. The ability to keep yourself under control, and not lash out at an attacker, but instead find a harmonious interaction. A way to make your "Ki" and theirs fit together.

I don't believe there is anything exclusive about Aiki. I believe it is available to the whole world, anytime one is ready to accept it. I do however believe accepting it is very difficult. I have spent a large part of my life trying to understand this very simple thing, Aiki.

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