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Old 08-30-2012, 09:17 PM   #33
Dojo: Brisbane Aikido Republic
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 298
Re: Aiki and the Law of Thermodynamics

Keith Larman wrote: View Post

However, we'd first need to agree as to what it is. There's an old quote that I wish I could find again that said essentially that every study is biased by the questions we decide to ask. And therein lies the rub for me on many of these questions.

Aikido needs some robust models. And some robust vocabulary. Then, maybe, the scientists have something to work with that will actually give useful results.
I think this is really an interesting point, science is guided by asking questions, whereas the eastern method is founded on just copy what sensei does. In this mix of cultures, asking questions isn't the right thing often.... and its a foreign concept traditionally.

My own personal journey of asking questions, and proffering explanations brought some public castigation....the world is probably a different place now though thankfully - though not without personalities.

The robust models and vocabulary I think are a real challenge, even on aikiweb we all speak a slightly different language, and many are quite educated in aikido. Bringing in additional scientific language and method can just bring in a barrier for many as there is a lot of training there that needs to have place, and why study science for 10 yrs when its time away from practicing martial arts right? As an aside I have been working my way through "Aikido Aikibojitsu and the Structure of Natural Law" its heavy on using scientific language, but i found, as a scientist, it was quite hard to read (I'm planning to write a review to explain more fully my views on what is a book with many pearls in it).

People seem to have a fairly negative view of science as a conspiracy/ mad scientist, its not surprising when this is what you see in most movies, also many have had a bad experience with it in school (mostly because school teachers just teach it as something you have to teach ...rather than really diggin it!). Then too are the progress science has made, with each generation learning more than the previous such as your nutrition example.

One of my favourite quotes is something Yoshigasaki Sensei said 'only when your concept of aikido improves will your aikido improve', there are plenty of concepts in aikido, be they analogy or something like KI, many have a root in science/mechanical models and i think there are a few more too at the micro and macro level. Waza/kata is another mode. All models if improperly used, are never learn't / discarded or internalised are limiting i guess

Anyways i start to rant


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