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Old 07-03-2012, 11:17 AM   #10
Dojo: Aiki Kurabu
Location: Elizabethtown, PA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,110
Re: Ki to the Highway

Matthew Story wrote: View Post
But isn't that intent the same thing if you don't call it ki and you don't believe there's anything supernatural about it?

Why do we need that third step? Heart (emotion) leads mind, mind leads intent, intent leads body. Practically, what's the difference?
Intent is not the same as ki - intent is purely of the mind and ki is the energy that bridges the mental to the physical; so, it has mental and physical qualities.

Matthew Story wrote: View Post
The Chinese were wrong about many things for thousands of years. For thousands of years the Chinese believed in mountain and river spirits and sacrificed to them. Were they right about that?
this is just not a good analogy - no comment

Matthew Story wrote: View Post
Sure it does. But if the model works without ki, then why insert it into the model?
Who said the model works without ki - I just said your components of the process are included in the model. The model with just your components in it will work only within yourself and not be able to affect what is going on with an opponent that contacts you other than using brute force or some form of jujutsu leverage - there is much more to an interaction than that. If it is just your mental thought at work, how can you explain the difference in what your opponent feels when you project a thought just to his center or when you project that thought through and beyond his center?

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