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Old 06-23-2012, 02:33 AM   #66
Darren Shaver
Dojo: none at the moment
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2
Re: Teaching .... I have a question.

Guys - My question here goes back to the colored belt issue (Sorry about that). But basically I know that in Aikido there are no ranks, traditionally that is. And I'll be just starting Aikido next month, (new to everything. so please bear with me a moment)… Anyway my question is this: Does the ASU (Aikido Schools of Ueshiba) organization in Aikido have a belt ranking system and if so. could you tell me what they are. My soon to be instructor- will be Mike Pollak with the ASU here in Tulsa Okla. And I was wondering, because I'm going to order a belt wall display from Century Martial Arts come next month when I order my uniform. I am now 47 and really don't care what they are really, but figured it would be a great incentive to continue my training once I get started outside of the mat. And by the way, I really can't wait to started in August, mainly for 3 reasons. For 1: I like how Aikido is set up. (that its a non violent martial art system designed for multiple attackers, 2: I think it will be a fantastic experience. Because right now I now nothing if even that, of the japanese traditions pertaining to this art and the traditions surrounding the Bushido Code, and Budo in general. Any help would be extremely welcomed. Thanks, --Darren. (
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