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Old 10-09-2002, 06:37 AM   #12
Dojo: NUI, Galway Aikido Club.
Location: Galway, Ireland.
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 334
Re: Turning Out of Shihonage

Drew Gardner (Suru) wrote:
Shihonage is one of the cornerstones of aikido, so I know there must be a way to keep uke from spinning. Does anyone have advice for me?

Shihonage is considered one of the cornerstones of aikido because there's so much involved in doing it properly. There is a way to stop uke from spinning, and you'll eventually find it in training. There's no magic formula- it's complex enough that a verbal explanation just won't cut it for you.

The thing you can do at this stage, though, is ask these guys spinning out to just take the ukemi. Eventually you'll have it figured out to the point that when they try spinning out, they'll be unable to. I hope.

Anyhow, I wouldn't think shihonage should be one of the first techniques you consider using "on the street."

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