Thread: Armor! Or not.
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:18 PM   #13
Anthony Loeppert
Dojo: Aikido of Del Mar
Location: San Diego, CA
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 155
Re: Armor! Or not.

Kevin Leavitt wrote: View Post
I agree with Chris's comments about the ego of who to protect and not to protect. At some level you simply need to remove yourself from the a degree...and realize you are hired or commissioned to protect and to prevent violence from occurring.

You are not the politician nor do you participate furthering their are simply there to stop harm.

That said, of course, I personally would try and choose my clients wisely and there are some li its to who I would choose to not serve. However, in the grater scheme of things...philosophically, stopping harm or violence is the business you are in and that morality I believe comes before the other stuff.
Forget ego and politics. And never forget ethics, not to any degree. Unless propping up and protecting assholes is your business. I've never been in the military and I say that proudly. Why? Because I don't believe in doing violence to people on order of others.

Does that mean pacifism? Absolutely not.

This would be me in a similar situation:
without the 911 call of concern.

An act of violence should be understood and not blindly obeyed on orders.

I am a computer programmer. I work in the cell phone industry and understand and program some of the most complex devices in the market today.

I'm sure I could make more money in the war industry but I don't. Why? Because I don't let nonsensical bullshit convince me it is ok.

My hero of the day

Last edited by Anthony Loeppert : 06-21-2012 at 08:20 PM.
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