Thread: Armor! Or not.
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Old 06-20-2012, 07:58 AM   #12
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
Location: ohio
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 740
Re: Armor! Or not.

Just as an after thought. I was hired by Sony as a result of the Mamoru Kono kidnapping in Tijuana in 1996. From Kono (Sanyo) to two years ago to present, I have seen a number of Japanese plant presidents in the maquiladora (border manufacturing) industry bring their do art and business Budo with them. The Mexican environment chewed up a number of them. It is a grinder. Some were transferred home to receive "an office with a window view".

I concluded that Budo is much more than the ability to engage in a physical fight. For me to survive working within 3 cultures (American, Mexican, Japanese), and in such a chaotic environment, Budo
had to be about strategy as well.

You can train to be the perfect weapon (remember Jeff Speakman and Ed Parker's movie) and end up becoming someone else's push toy. You can turn into "Man on Fire" and nobody wins.... especially the client company. At best, You resonate with Sean Connery in Rising Sun.

And my favorite quote of all:

Jeff: You should know, I’m a black belt.
John Connor: But of course you are dear.


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