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Old 06-18-2012, 08:03 AM   #36
Dojo: Charlotte Aikikai Agatsu Dojo
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,944
Re: Randori...we don't do enough of it

Mary Eastland wrote: View Post
Hi Phi:

I respectfully disagree with you...I never know what technique I am going to do until I am doing it. Randori has nothing to do with thinking. Each moment is met from the center with total concentration on the conditions at hand. The techniques or non techniques arise out of the the attack and the position of the other ukes. Thinking about the future is a distraction from the now.
Mary, i did not mention techniques. i said "moves", as in, veering left to distance my right side uke, running toward the open west side corner, speed up and slow down to mess with the timing, and so on. one against many already put you at a disadvantage. if you cannot plan ahead (i didn't say your body goes ahead, i said plan ahead), then you put yourself at an even greater disadvantage. personally, i would like my ukes work for it to get to me. it's call sen sen no sen, not go no sen nor even sen no sen.

"budo is putting on cold, wet, sweat stained gi with a smile and a snarl" - your truly
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