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Old 06-15-2012, 05:50 AM   #10
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
Location: ohio
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 740
Re: Teaching .... I have a question.


I currently train with Moe Stevens, Son of Merrit Stevens. We are both in our late 50's. The collaboration has no territorial issues. Others in the dojo stand equally in the circle and have the freedom to ask anything, argue a point, and challenge our answers.

We will often reverse engineer a movement, clearly breaking new ground, and obviously all stumped, without fear of losing face. It rarely fails, when everyone's experience joins in, we all enjoy the discovery process. Moe is a very unique man, humble and loving. Definitely Socratic.

We call his backyard 1500 square foot garage dojo "The Mojo". It is a regional locus for Tomiki Aikido. And there is good juju at the Mojo.


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