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Old 06-07-2012, 09:28 AM   #395
Chris Li
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Dojo: Aikido Sangenkai
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Join Date: Dec 2000
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Re: Spiritual and i/p

Graham Christian wrote: View Post

I would say that the origins of I/P are no doubt spiritual. Unfortunately the use was a misuse and merely used for tricks within the limited framework of combat. Thus it would lead to having an edge. Thus it would lead to secrecy and secret techniques. Alas such is the way of human behaviour.

Spiritual is and always will be the source. To understand Ueshiba and what he did for me is very hard yet very simple. It's summed up in one word and that is not kojiki, it is Kannagara.

Understand the true concept of that and you will understand a lot of what Ueshiba said and meant.

Since the Kojiki is a book, and Kannagara is a concept, it doesn't surprise me that they were different.

That being said, how about giving us your take on the meaning?

Also, there are records of Ueshiba citing Kannagara as a key concept from the early 1930's - maybe earlier, how does that fit into the pre-war/post-war dichotomy that you usually insist on?

