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Old 05-08-2012, 07:49 AM   #1
jackie adams
Location: CA
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 73
Reality? Embarrassment for Aikido

Hello, and greeting Aikido community. A huge apology for this embarrassing topic about the faults of Aikido being made public.

It always been my belief Aikido, unless the person of Aikido is really good at baiting and of high skill, doesn't have a chance against a MMA/BJJ. Aikido is effective and MMA/BJJ is not the best or only measuring tool. Aikido was not developed for competition. The paradigm Aikido has, hasn't adapted to the broader spectrum of martial arts. Aikido is limited to deal with several specific martial arts. It hasn't adapted to deal with the variety of other martial arts.

When you view the youtube video, if you hold your head in shame, your not alone. It should really be a wake up call in many areas. It is a hard dose of reality for some. I harp on the issue of the harder you train the better you are, this proves it. Aikido is an art of kazushi, this is embarrassing.

A must see video of Aikido vs Judo

Major Debatable Points:
1. The Aikido guy was over-weight, out of shape.
2. Lacked the understanding of a fundamental principle in Aikido, kazushi
3. Didn't understand Aikido at all. He had no knowledge of the situation he was in, constantly on the wrong type and side of being on the defense.
4. Fought the other guy's fight and feel in to trap after trap.
5. How can this situation be changed for the better, or improved for the Aikido guy. What should he have done realistically.

Again, I apologize. It is my intention not to degrade Aikido, but take this as an opportunity of education through discussion. Honest self-critic is growth. Thank you and looking forward to the constructive comments. Everyone have a great day.

Last edited by jackie adams : 05-08-2012 at 07:53 AM.
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