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Old 04-06-2012, 08:30 AM   #39
Dojo: Aiki Kurabu
Location: Elizabethtown, PA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,110
Re: exercises for wrist strengthening?

Jason Casteel wrote: View Post
previously were you doing the exercises as demonstrated by Tohei in the old B&W video. Basically just standing there pumping away at the wrists or do you incorporate any sort of body movement? That's something we do and i'm not sure if that was a change he made later or not. I find it definitely helps with feeling the winding aspects.
Before working the internals, it was the old Tohei model as you mentioned. Once i started on the internals, I changed it to using mental intent to make the twist whole body from hand to opposite foot. I also add a breath component to it to help exercise intent; which is to exhale while applying the twist and once fully exhaled and twisted, I do a small reverse breathing inhale to sort of pressure the twisted path and hold that for about five seconds - at this time, there generally is a certain point in that path that feels a little more pressure than the other areas; I then use mental intent to try and move that point along the twisted path. i find that this helps exercise your intent as well as working the fascia in that path in one exercise. Of course, all of this has to be performed with proper structure and balance with absolutely no muscle tension.

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