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Old 04-05-2012, 01:03 PM   #182
Dojo: Yushinkan NYC
Location: New York
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 75
Re: The Founder's Teaching Ability

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
The one thing that seems to remain constant is people in denial of some rather obvious truths.
Since many of the great's "stories" of their training/personal care/ travel times with Ueshiba do not line up, I keep waiting for the list to come out of who was lying and who was telling the truth. It is NEVER going to happen, but the conclusions are startlingly obvious...some of the greats....were not telling the truth.
I prefer to leave it as a pregnant pause and allow them to express feelings of a personal connection with a great teacher with colorful stories; years added, baths being drawn when he wasn't there, learning from a guy who wasn't present etc.
It is very hard for people to see things that are in plain pun intended. Many have much invested emotionally when it comes to the Ueshiba sensei. Hence the saying, " love is blind". So denial, myth making,etc., happen. I'm guilty of it myself. I feel that this is at the core of this thread.

IMO, it is very easy to go about life being "blind". So for me it's become important to step out of my comfort zone during my training. Musha shugyo has become for me a way of training with others to gage myself. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to see...Thanks.

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