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Old 03-30-2012, 12:04 PM   #32
lars beyer
Dojo: Copenhagen Aikishuren Dojo
Location: Denmark
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 282
Re: exercises for wrist strengthening?

Dave Lewin wrote: View Post
hi all.
i was wondering if anyone can recommend any exercises for strengthening and reinforcing the wrists.
i have been training a lot for the past year, and quite recently i have been experiencing throbbing in the wrists off the mat. specifically, kote gaeshi and nikyo have been taking their toll.
i came across a simple exercise for the knees, to strengthen them and maintain support, and it has seemed to work; so im wondering if there's a similar thing for the wrists.
if your advice is to lay off a little, this is tough, since being uchi deshi means im around for every class and can't really 'take a break' in that respect.
any thoughts?
Hi, I believe I know how you feel, being an uchideshi is hard work in that respect.
Maybe you should try to make your training partners aware of your problem and make them go a bit easy on you in nikyo, sankyo and kote gaeshi.. no need to show toughness and ruin yourself..
I normally spend some time excersising my wrists and massaging them on a daily basis.. "feeling them out" so to speak.. and I have managed to keep a balance between hard daily practise and protecting myself..
I guess it boils down to listening to your body and giving it small breaks along the way..
Not pushing it all the time.
Hope you find a way through your practise.
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