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Old 03-28-2012, 10:54 PM   #29
aikidoka81's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 19
Re: exercises for wrist strengthening?

Dave Lewin wrote: View Post
hi all.
i was wondering if anyone can recommend any exercises for strengthening and reinforcing the wrists.
i have been training a lot for the past year, and quite recently i have been experiencing throbbing in the wrists off the mat. specifically, kote gaeshi and nikyo have been taking their toll.
i came across a simple exercise for the knees, to strengthen them and maintain support, and it has seemed to work; so im wondering if there's a similar thing for the wrists.
if your advice is to lay off a little, this is tough, since being uchi deshi means im around for every class and can't really 'take a break' in that respect.
any thoughts?
Wrist pushups work very well for me. If first time doing, start with your knees on the floor so that you don't overpressure and injure your wrists. Later when your wrists are used to it, you can do pushups with your knees off the floor

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