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Old 03-19-2012, 01:56 PM   #71
lars beyer
Dojo: Copenhagen Aikishuren Dojo
Location: Denmark
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 282
Re: What makes Aikido unique as a martial art ?

Kevin Leavitt wrote: View Post
Well for me personally, I'd say I don't really "do" Aikido anymore. Meaning I don't subscribe to anyone master or system per se. I do tend to seek out people that share a common interest or have a particular set of skills that I want to acquire or learn. My journey is my own now.

That said, most of us got our start somewhere. Mine was in DC with Saotome Sensei's dojo. So hence I tend to want to hang with people I've developed friendships with and still aspire to as teachers and people that have something to teach me.

I like Hanna, thought once upon a time that it was special. That kept me away from a lot of things that I could have learned too if I would have been open to other possibilities and paradigms.

I think most of us still do what we do cause that is what we do and that is where we have cultivated relationships etc. So as I said, that makes it special to us. Does not mean it is unique or special or distinctive in someway that cannot be found anywhere else. IMO that kind of myopic thinking can be dangerous.
I understand what youre saying.
In martial arts there are obviously many similarities as well as differences too many for me to list or even be aware of here.
I donīt have a problem with people or things being unique or special or one of a kind or even different
and contrasting because I donīt nessecarily put value in these differences and similarities.
I like things for being unique as well as being equal, it all depends on the premise and context.
Maybe I should have explained this but I was not really aware of it, so I guess itīs my fault to some extent but I do feel that some people hear what they want to hear and I canīt vouch for that I feel.

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