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Old 03-12-2012, 11:09 AM   #22
Conrad Gus
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Dojo: Eclipse Budo
Location: Victoria, BC
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 274
Re: Aikido maneuver manual

Joe Curran wrote: View Post
Dear Conrad,
May I point out to you and others that when the book ie Aikido an the dynamic sphere ' was written any person who had a second /third dan was in these days looked upon as practically a god? Today we have
seventh/eighth Dans /Shihan [some self promoted] springing up two a penny everywhere. Has your teacher written a book,if so , good , if not why be critical of a book[ which was useful reading material for someone looking for info ]and apparently shows little respect for both the authors of said book. Cheers, Joe
Haha, good point. I was one of the lucky ones to be taught from day one by a shihan -- not everybody gets that. I never did read the book, so I don't have a personal opinion. The authors of that book are probably pretty wicked teachers by now.

Also, point taken about useful reading material. Sometimes it's nice to have a reference work to just be able to identify names of techniques and stuff when you are just getting into aikido. Technical details would probably go over a beginner's head anyway.
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