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Old 03-02-2012, 09:14 AM   #87
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Posts: 54
Re: How to be non-competitive in a competitive world

Competitive:- Teaches

1. To set a goal
2. To improve your skills and performance to reach your goal
3. To exert whatever effort it takes to improve yourself
4. This teaches one that although you may not reach your goal, you can improve.
5. This proves that hard work and determination can take you farther than wishing and complaining

Non-competitive:- Teaches

1. To develop an attitude of entitlement.
2. To expect that the people putting forth an effort will take care of you
3. So there is an expectation that those who do nothing to improve themselves will be supported by those who do.
4. This teaches one how to create dependency.
5. This proves that everyone is equal and should have the same opportunities for advancement, regardless of qualifications or effort.

"Logical consequences are the scarecrows of fools and the beacons of wise men" - Thomas Henry Huxley
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