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Old 02-13-2012, 01:15 PM   #17
Dojo: Sokushinkan Dojo, Vancouver
Location: Richmond, BC
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 64
Re: Is there enough practice for 'real life' in Aikido?

There is a simple thing to do if you want to do something like practice against real life karateka, judoka, kendoka, chinese kenpo, muay thai, etc...

Ask your sensei about self-defense class!

I did and we did a whole day of training against various street situations and against attacks from other martial arts. We learned how to kick and how to deal with kicks, as well as a short intro into battle tactics and maai. The energy level was intense as we were told to go on the fly using our own knowledge to create a defense, and many of us (myself too) were surprised at just how much we actually knew, since we don't usually ever get to do things like that.

Another way is to simply find a friend who is learning some other art, and ask to train with them. You can teach them reversals and they can teach you how to defend against punch, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts, etc.
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