Thread: Aikido attacks.
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Old 02-07-2012, 11:39 AM   #66
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Aikido attacks.

No they are mine.
Your words are that your methods are Ueshiba's, and that they are effective, and that you can defeat an attacker with love.
Neither of which have you shown, and in this thread and many others, you state we don't understand your method. Fair enough. We ask, explain nothing.
I agree with Philip
If this is the case why post so much on Aikiweb? Why not stay in happy isolation?
This isn't a criticism by the way just a genuine question - after all YOU initiated the contact
I posted a public video link of you.
Where is there an attack with a sword?
Where is there a defense if there is no attack?
Where does love come into anything to attack better?
Where does love come into anything to defend better?
How does your attack/defense movement relate to a budo?
If it doesn't, why do you wear budo clothes and use weapons?
If it does, why doesn't it function like the types of budo we all seem to know and disagree with you about?
All we are looking for is explanations to your continued threads about your theories.
Use your words______________________.


Last edited by DH : 02-07-2012 at 11:53 AM.
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