Thread: Aikido attacks.
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:10 AM   #18
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Aikido attacks.

I see nothing to be gained martially, Ki wise, or aiki wise, in anything outlined here. Worse when it is outlined authoritatively as in ...we who disagree don't get it. I might suggest that in my own experience everyone who ever taught or advocated that type of practice has ended up on their backs in a split second or literally taken apart in a myriad of ways. It is not....budo. It is something else, apart from the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba, who was a budo man. Those speaking of his methods yet display none of his abilities, only continue to demonstrate that what they "say" has little actual value.

Again IME, there are a host of practices done in the name of budo that are done by fearful people rationalizing in every way possible why they shy away from force on force contact. In the end the practice is usually exposed for what it is. I prefer those who practice this way, but who do so with honesty, with no illusion, those who know they would get totally owned by capable men, yet enjoy their cooperative interaction. There is no helping the self-deluded who truly believe what they are doing has anything at all to do with the world of Budo. Well, there was, but that method is frowned upon these days.

What has happened to Budo in this generation is a great sadness. Budo was self-correcting, as idiots showed up with lofty ideas backed up by Fauntleroy skills they were done away with rapidly, so you never need worry about them contaminating the value and reputation of the arts. Even at advanced expert levels you had senior teachers out there testing senior teachers. It is one area in which the Japanese could take a lesson from the Chinese. It is not only acceptable, it is encouraged to challenge people speaking authoritatively and or teaching, to walk up and test them in some agreed upon fashion. Of course it was not usually an all out fight, but it didn't need to be to make the point.

Today you have those with insipid skills, impressing others with even less skill, who then become teachers, and manage their supposed "budo" careers by never getting in a situation to be challenged by any one other than their own students! One of the best things that could ever happen to Budo would be to have the politically correct mores suspended, the old founders show up and challenge....and clean house.

Put or shut up has been a staple for a very long time. I think many people in the traditional arts really don't have anything worth listening to, much less following anymore. It is obvious in video, the written word and in feel, that they have been going through the motions for far too long. Putting them to the test, would be the best thing to ever happen to Budo.
a. Everyone who dared to speak authoritatively would know what the consequences would be.
b. The arts themselves would be strengthened by the elimination of bad ideas and worthless methods, while those with brilliant approaches-either traditional or innovative- will stand on their own merits.


Last edited by DH : 02-06-2012 at 09:25 AM.
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