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Old 01-29-2012, 06:56 PM   #316
Location: NYC
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 92
Re: "The goal is not to throw"

Greg Steckel wrote: View Post
Hi Greg, nice name by the way; I like it

I see you have made a significant revision to your first post- no problem with the revision or the first post - However, as retired military, I was going to have some fun with your original military comment - not an issue, I will save that wisdom for a later day

Anyway, in keeping with the theme of this thread, IMO the "The goal not to throw" is closely related to "Fight or Flee" (now that should take care of the thread drift police )

The basis of my point was that in general there are two types of people - those that respond to an attack with a fight back attitude and those that respond with a flee or back off attitude. IMO, I do not see those with the flee attitude being drawn to a martial art or the military - however, as I said, there are exceptions based on the goals of the MA. Can the type of response with an individual change? Yes, I think so, but it can not be totally accomplished by dojo training regardless of the increasing levels of intensity of simulated real attacks; that does not hurt, but is not totally effective. The only true test is with a real hostile incident - a sink or swim environment.

Yes it is a good name It actually means vigilant (since Japanese have a problem with R I think or maybe Tozando sold me a bill of goods)and is inscribed that way on my hakama
So I will be keeping an EYE on you Greg
I just forgot to leave the military comment in thats all, after I reread where you said "Cooperative"
So I understand the military is not mostly cooperative training, but you must admit that there is some, used in conjunction with confidence building. Used to be total immersion in the sink or swim atmosphere and I am sure still that way for special service otherwise anyone would be special forces. And I am sure some wound up on permanent KP duty. Combat has certain necessities to it.
But after the tearing down, there is a buildup process as the confidence increases.
I am not saying as Dan likes to say, that drill instructors start walking around saying "oh you are great" when you "actually suck", but you are increasingly allowed to succed as your skills and confidence grows, Otherwise the all volunteer army would have too high a washout rate. No???
Cowardice (Flee /Self/Fear preservation drive whatever you want to call it) can be weeded out if need be and with a combo of techniques mentioned here, over ridden(rewired)
I can at 47 remember vividly the first time I got my clock cleaned by an older kid.
I was taking a purely romantic heroic stance against an older street tuff based on principle (somewhere between 8-10 years old) Completely unaware of the circumstance( and I was always big for my age size wise)(not mentally though). I must tell you that prudence about the circumstance entered into my thought process after that time. Not that I have run away from fights or sought them out afterwoods, just slower to anger that all. Fighting or Fleeing , all though I cant remember doing the other literally, are worlds that some people can and do switch back and forth between.

A day will dawn when you will yourself laugh at your effort. That which is on the day of laughter is also now.
Ramana Maharishi
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