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Old 01-29-2012, 06:15 PM   #315
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: "The goal is not to throw"

Matthew Gano wrote: View Post
Dan Harden wrote:
There is; terms or practice if you cannot display his power and control.
Sorry, Dan, I'm trying to understand, but I'm having a hard time following: Reading what you described about gradually increasing intensity seems like a case where cooperative training is being practiced. It's not overly-cooperative where anything one person trys gets a pass, but in order to let someone work on something using your body as the "target" strikes me as cooperative in nature. Taking into account the other myriad goals individuals might have, I'm confused how there isn't anything mutual going on if you don't already know how to move like O Sensei.
Aything you would be willing to add would be appreciated!
Take care,
Hi Mat
You had discussed mutual practice as if it were something between all aikido people in the midst of a discussion between Graham and I.
You then quote my reply I wrote to Graham and assigned it to a completely different discussion I was having with the two Gregs.

Sigh...lets clean it up. I don't want to keep going over the same ground Let's use bold for the talking points and underline the issues!!

1. Mary and Ron do what they do and are clear and make no outrageous claims. They are usually well balanced in what they say.

2. I make outrageous claims-that I understand what Ueshiba was talking about and doing with aiki... I get called on it all the time to show and I have been judged from shodan to shihan all over the world

3. Graham makes outrageous claims- that he understands what Ueshiba was talking about and doing with aiki yet he has no one from no where stating he feels like anything more than your average joe, and he produces videos showing he moves with a disconnected body

I contend the following- hopefully for the last time
a. If you show up on an international forum and say you know what Ueshiba was doing and talking about-b. you damn well should get called on it.
c. You should be able to define it, discuss it and do it.
d. If you've got nothing to back it up...that's your problem and not the community who calls you on your rhetoric.
e. Being called on it is good for the community and good for you.
I hope that was clear.

And hats off to Graham that even with being challenged on these things, he keeps it in perspective and doesn't take challenges to his knowledge and skills as a personal challenge to him as a person. We could all take a lesson from him in how to respond. I can't tell you how many times I have read a reply from him-where I was contending with him..and even though I totally disagreed, I sat there and said..."Good Job man!!!"

My thoughts on the gradual increase of stress in martial arts is a totally different topic


Last edited by DH : 01-29-2012 at 06:29 PM.
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