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Old 01-28-2012, 10:15 PM   #276
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: "The goal is not to throw"

Katherine Derbyshire wrote: View Post
Yes. It happens all the time. A surprising result from a Nobel Prize winner's laboratory will be taken much more seriously than the same result from a less-respected source. Even though there have been documented cases of scientific fraud in the laboratories of Nobel winners.


That it happens at all is unacceptable in the scientific community at large. Case in point-> A "world renowned" doctor was advocating a particular class of medications for a particular age group for many years. My colleagues and I railed against this and said something smells like feces for years. Low and behold, this "world renowned" doctor was receiving SEVEN FIGURES of income over those years from a pharm company who made those drugs! This A-Hole is still is a professor at a world renowned university and hospital DESPITE the despicable acts that resulted in the needless medicating (I am talking about serious med.s) of an age group of children who NEVER should have been put on those med's in the first place.

The same standards apply in our community. I find it to be in less than poor taste, that there are not only those who refuse/hide/weasel away from having to put words into actions and pathetic that there are apologists who try and excuse that type of behavior. When you medicate people without real reasons, there are real life consequences from being on those med.'s that are profoundly negative. When you present yourself as a teacher of martial arts and people listen and learn from you and you have no genuine abilities/capacities, there are real life consequences to those who find out the hard way that what they learned was less than useless, but dangerous to their well-being. Our community at large, has a vested interest to the same degree of integrity that is expected in the scientific community.

Marc Abrams
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