Thread: Feeling
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Old 01-27-2012, 09:07 AM   #34
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Feeling

Carl Thompson wrote: View Post
Thank you to both Graham and Matthew.

If you bear in mind that I made this caveat at the beginning...

... I hope you don't mind if I shift the explanations of the requested "strictly yes or no" parts of both of your surveys to the end. It is a slight reformatting to match my original criteria that still keeps your explanations for why you chose yes/no. They are just separate for clarity.

So as long as you're okay with it, I'll take the following as your positions:

Thank you very much Matthew, especially for your comment in Q5.

Thank you Graham! This kind of clarification is what I was asking for at the start. It helps me understand what you were saying at the start of this thread. I hope it has helped clear up a few things for you and others reading the thread too.

It was interesting.

It has been interesting to me that many here have said many things about 'effectiveness' and such like of my Aikido despite what I say. From this end I can't help laughing because here I am knowing and there they are presenting themselves as experts and telling me. This could lead me to believe it has to be felt, especially by those who do such, but I find that not even worth saying.

Maybe it's me but any Aikido video or other where I see something that looks 'can't be' or 'not as described' I automatically shrug and know I would have to feel it. I thought that was just normal.

Then again I have certain criteria for anyone wanting to do my Aikido so it's not a matter of because they are curious.

I was talking to a Girl a few months ago who is, or rather was a three times British Karate champion.

She was immediately interested in my views because I said to her I could 'feel' she was sad in having stopped doing it. I was more interested in her views though. She said that she had reached a good level and the competitions were just things she thought she had to do because she was meant to but found it took away from the true nature of Karate. She said also that everyone acclaimed her and friends were proud of her and all wanted her to do more and fight more and she felt like some kind of show pony or show puppet. No one was interested in the message she had to give in her view that it's not about fighting so she considered the contests give out the wrong message.

She went on to share how there's so much more to True Karate than that. Even the week before out meeting she said a past male friend of hers met her and was enthusiastically boasting how his kick felled an opponent and she told me she actually felt sorry for him and thought 'what a waste'.

I hope she gets back into it and teaches her way myself.

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