Thread: Feeling
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Old 01-27-2012, 12:34 AM   #29
mathewjgano's Avatar
Dojo: Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja Aikidojo; Himeji Shodokan Dojo
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Re: Feeling

Carl Thompson wrote: View Post
No need for correction.
Awesome! Thank you.
I don't get the impression Graham would mind...and I apologize if I am mistaken, Graham, but in the name of science...

Short "In Thread" Survey:

Q1: Do you believe it when people associated with the I.P. (Internal Power) and "Aiki" phenomenon on this forum claim "it has to be felt" (IHTBF) in order to understand it?
...but I want to qualify that I believe "IHTBF" in order to have a functional understanding...amazing flukes of genius notwithstanding.

Q2: Can you prove one way or the other if they are right or wrong about their claim that IHTBF?

Q3: Regardless of your answer to the previous question, please indicate how you can prove IHTBF right or wrong one way or the other: (select any that apply in order of preference -- delete any that do not apply)
  • Direct hands on training (feeling)
  • Indirect training (e.g.:training with someone who has trained directly with them)

Q5. Do you have any other comments?
Indirect training can prove it has to be felt, but I presume whatever they're developing is less developed than who ever they're training with, so the proof is less pronounced.

Last edited by mathewjgano : 01-27-2012 at 12:37 AM.

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