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Old 09-25-2002, 10:55 AM   #5
Bruce Baker
Dojo: LBI Aikikai/LBI ,NJ
Location: Barnegaat, NJ
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 893
the right handed left hander

Maybe half of being screwed up by becoming a right hander when you are a natural left hander is that as you progress in training you return to strengthening the left hand to do what the right hand does.

This does create the hidden world of left handers in a right hand world, and who knows how many great swordsman were natural lefthanders in a right handed world.

I do understand the need for order, and the majority would rule, but wouldn't it have been prudent to separate the minority as a special forces to oppose the right handed soldiers in battle? Or is that kind of thinking too outlandish in a world of majority and minoritys? A valley of lefthanders, or a town of left handers who are the secret weapon against right handed swordsmen?

Never mind. It is just my way of sparring and using the weapons in practice. The left hand should be as strong as the right hand and able to do what ever the right hand does.

It does Play havoc when you can naturally switch stances and change the playing field by being adept in both right and left handed offense, defense ... but that is not the current subject.

I do agree with the history of the right handed swordsman, but as for the meaning of who is worth more and who is worthless, well, that too is a matter of opinion and which society you live in.

I guess it all leads to an explanation of the kaos theory, and how the equalization of positive and negative effect change in a society or in humanitys social balance/ change in the world. This society has only left handed swordsman, this one has only right handed swordsman, and this one has more right than left handed swordsman which all tend to balance in the eye of kaos.
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