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Old 01-21-2012, 07:39 PM   #67
Lyle Laizure
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Dojo: Hinode Dojo LLC
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 566
Re: "The goal is not to throw"

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
Hi Greg
I agree, but the issue is only brought home when you have a real attacker. None of the bliss bunnies and have ever demonstrated their effectiveness a) outside their own dojo b) up against real trained resistance and will not accept requests to do so.

It is incredible that the people who continue to display these highly cooperative movements have never been challenged within their own communities to display a standard of credibility and show them with real attackers. Within Aikido, when the discussion is narrowed down to them having to defend against a boxer or jujutsu-ka, they all of sudden default to..."That isn't aikido. You don't understand aikido."
Those same people have a narrow way of defining what Aikido is as well. You can't punch, kick, bite etc. The fact is if you are in a confontation there are no rules. If you can't put away your thoughts of benevolence you are already defeated.

Lyle Laizure
Deru kugi wa uta reru
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