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Old 01-06-2012, 09:28 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Dan Inosanto Quote

Dan is a great MAer who can deliver and a great guy.

While I agree with the well worn premise, (it's been around for hundreds of years folks) people often confuse it to mean there is no need to be martially relevant. It is a very different thing to have someone who can truly deliver say that, instead of someone who couldn't stop a fly from eating their lunch....
One is profound, the other inane.
Quoting great sayings makes us all sound well read and educated, but many times we are just borrowing the credibility of others with no real understanding of the foundations of the ideas. It's like listening to someone pontificating over Katsujinken/Satsujinken and then putting a sword in their hand. If you cannot deliver, or understand what it takes to get there, then the idea of a life giving or saving sword has no meaning for's all just words.
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