Thread: Ueshiba's Aiki
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Old 11-11-2011, 10:18 PM   #189
Ken McGrew
Dojo: Aikido at UAB
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 202
Re: Jeez, lighten up! But keep weight underside

If this is what and all they were claiming I would not complain. I understand what Aiki is and believe it is found in many arts. I am not against internal exercises Etc.. As i have said, what Dan is doing may be good and may be complimentary to Aikido. Unfortunately they have made lots of claims that basically dismiss "modern Aikido" and so forth. They have basically argued for abandoning Aikido training approach. More than anything I am pushing back against the idea that Aikido training can be competitive.

Ellis Amdur wrote: View Post

Since Dan Harden, among those offering internal training, is the whipping boy of some recent threads, I'll cite him for a moment: all he's offering is aiki training. I think I'm not going to have him jump on my head, feelings hurt, were I to say he has no interest in personally doing aikido waza. BUT - he is asserting this - and I think correctly: that if one acquires skill in aiki, it could be contained WITHIN classical aikido technique, be it nikkyo, kokyunage or any other limb-twining variation, if that's the way you want to use it. In other words, Ken, there is absolutely no requirement in what Dan Harden, Mike Sigman, Minoru Akuzawa, to name three, are teaching, that there be any abandonment of classical aikido practice or technique, if that's what you want to do.

Ellis Amdur

Last edited by Ken McGrew : 11-11-2011 at 10:21 PM.