Thread: Ueshiba's Aiki
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Old 11-11-2011, 08:57 PM   #180
Chris Li
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Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
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Re: Ueshiba's Aiki

Ken McGrew wrote: View Post
The posts by Dan and others have been insulting in tone and substance all along. Towards myself and others. They generally don't even have the respect to address senior instructors, Doshu, or O'Sensei with their rightful titles. I responded in kind.
We're not in Japan, we're not Japanese, and we're not speaking Japanese. In English it's not uncommon to refer to famous people without their titles in a casual conversation - I don't see any particular reason to alter that practice simply because the people we're talking about happen to be Japanese.

And guess what - it's pretty common to refer to them without their titles even when in Japan, speaking to Japanese people in Japanese - this in conversations with Japanese shihan.

You said that you'd bring up the quote about religion, but I haven't seen it. Also, I asked you to bring up the quotes that you were referring to when you referenced a "change in tone" so we could discuss it. Maybe it would be best to continue the previous discussions before moving on to more accusations.

