Thread: Ueshiba's Aiki
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Old 11-11-2011, 06:21 PM   #165
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1,318
Re: Ueshiba's Aiki

Lee Salzman wrote: View Post
What we are addressing with these things is exactly the teaching problem: how to describe what is going on and how best to teach it to others. We're not changing the end-product, we're not changing the message of the art, we're not changing the foundations; we're just trying to figure out if there is a better way to arrive at these things than what has been passed down to us through official channels. This has meant going back and looking at where O'Sensei got his influences and seeing how he used them to build himself as well as how they helped frame what he was saying. This is not subverting him, this is rather trying to better understand where he was coming from.
Yes, exactly.

People are interested in what Dan has to say because he has isolated a particular element and developed a way to teach it. Likewise Popkin Sensei. Likewise Ushiro Sensei. Likewise plenty of other teachers. None of these teachers are aikidoka, and because of that they are not necessarily going to use -- or even agree with -- the vocabulary and training paradigms that aikidoka are accustomed to. But that doesn't make their knowledge any less valuable.
