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Old 11-09-2011, 11:10 AM   #4
Chris Li
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Dojo: Aikido Sangenkai
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 3,313
Re: Ueshiba's Aiki

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
And as a self-employed person myself, let me also point out that every day someone like me is away from home, away from their main business, they are generally not generating income. Some of us don't get paid vacation days. I've gone to events to give lectures in the past. Sometimes folk will help with covering some of the expenses. But in the end rarely does it ever make economic sense to do these things. Even if I walk away with a small bit of extra cash in my pocket usually I also had a couple days at least of preparation and lost income leading up to it. Not to mention travel days, etc. That is income *not* earned. Lost. I *always* lose money. It *always* costs me in the long run. I do the things I do simply because I feel I should share what I know when I can. So I do when I can afford to do it and don't when I can't.

Just my own experience...
That's true, and Dan is also self-employed and not earning during the time that he takes to share with us.

Here's an interesting exercise - Moriteru Ueshiba visited Hawaii this year. His fee alone was significantly more than the entire intake from Dan's workshop. In addition, all of his expenses were covered - his first class airfare from Japan was also significantly more than the entire intake from Dan's workshop all by itself. Ocean front suite in Waikiki - that alone was also significantly more than the entire intake from Dan's workshop.

Also had to pay expenses and fees (airfare, hotel, food, etc.) for the Otomo that has to travel with him.

He taught 3 one hour classes, no free classes. Hundreds of people were on the mat, so actual contact time was measured in seconds per person. Most people had no actual hands-on contact at all.

As to what he can teach you in contrast to Dan - well, I'll leave that question as an exercise for later .

And since this is his job, he doesn't lose any income by coming here.

I'm picking on him to make a point - but the same point could be made for most of the name-brand Shihan and their large seminars, which cost about the same but give you less than 0.00001% of the value.

I have no idea why the money things seems to be such a hard thing for people to understand.

