Thread: True Warfare
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Old 10-25-2011, 09:18 AM   #82
Mark Freeman
Dojo: Dartington
Location: Devon
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Re: True Warfare

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
In World War I, during the 1914 Christmas time frame, many units on both sides stopped fighting, came together, and celebrated.

It was a time when the actions of men shone brighter than ever. Jumping to the present time, there are many people who would do similar things and call them "aikido" like. They point to doing something good, something worthwhile for their fellow man and call those actions "aikido".
Hi Mark,

It was a time when the actions of 'some' men shone brighter than ever. The Allied and German soldiers that exchanged gifts, song, cigarettes and haircuts, for a short while, fully embraced their common humanity. It was soon put a stop to by the Generals on all sides. They didn't want that sort of behaviour to break out and spoil their 'well planned' (sic) conflict. It just doesn't do to have your cannon fodder thinking of the enemy as somehow the same as you, does it? What followed was almost 4 more years of the most appalling warfare that we have ever known. The Generals won and humanity lost.

I agree that some stretch the 'aikido' description of actions that are deemed to be 'good'. Just because something is good or right, doesn't make it aikido.

Whether you see aikido as ai-ki-do or aiki-do, and I don't see why they can't be held in the same palm. One may house a skill that the other lacks, the other may contain a philosophy that reaches more and is ultimately more beneficial to more people, and therefore to humanity in general.

Just some thoughts,



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