Thread: True Warfare
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Old 10-23-2011, 09:57 AM   #38
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: True Warfare

Graham Jenkins wrote: View Post
How is that obvious?

I don't agree with your refusal to allow facts to interfere with your conclusions.

Your very claim that 'Budo is love.' is open to all kinds of objections: 'What is love?'; 'How do you express love?'; etc.
Why should I allow facts to interfere with my conclusions when I point out how incomplete they are?

You can disagree by all means as is your right but name calliing?

Budo is love. Yes, you merely point to what I've said all along. The problem isn't japanese translations but not knowing the meaning or having reality on the english words like love.

Without such reality people have to believe Ueshiba meant a, b, c, d. No, he meant budo is love. When you understand that clearly you can understand better Aikido. To me it's self evident.

I can demonstrate and teach such. No problem. If that's a problem to you or any others who don't have that particular reality then what can I say? It's an immovable truth for me. Quite demonstratable.

If you don't know or even believe in such then carry on and talk about what you do.

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