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Old 09-28-2011, 02:45 AM   #9
Alex Megann
Dojo: Southampton Aikikai
Location: Southampton
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 401
United Kingdom
Re: The point of aikido osae

Hanna Björk wrote: View Post
What is the point of aikido osae, the way it is performed?

Why is basic aikido osae done sitting? Surely, there must be other ways to control you partner from standing. Ways that does not restrict your movement, should more attackers emerge. Ways that do not need both your arms, so you can pick up your cell phone and call 112 (911 for US people, no?)

The point of aikido osae waza must be something else. What is built in your body, what does the body learn from performing osae?
I watched a class with the late Kiyoyuki Terada Sensei a few years ago, and it was intriguing to watch this old man walk slowly into the dojo with a pair of sticks, but then turn into a lethal weapon almost as soon as he came onto the tatami. His knee finctioning was almost non-existent (he was the only Japanese teacher I have ever seen do the class rei standing). He did all the immobilisations either standing up or with a strange manoeuvre involving a controlled fall onto his partner.

In case you haven't come across Terada Sensei, here is a nice clip of him (with healthy knees!) in relaxed mood.

Katame waza are not normally expected in multiple attacks in Aikikai yudansha gradings, and I agree they are not appropriate in real-world situations where there is any chance of a second attacker. My understanding is that - like many aikido techniques - there is a range of applications depending on the situation. In the case of the proverbial drunken uncle touching up your daughter, they could simply be a way to control the situation without inflaming things - one point that has occurred to me is that when you go to the ground with your partner, you have more control over their own descent and you can try to avoid them injuring themselves. On the other hand, as Alex says, in some circumstances they could be dislocations, or in a true life-or-death encounter, Keith's points out that you are then able to use a weapon on your attacker when they are at least temporarily immobilised.

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