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Old 09-06-2011, 07:17 AM   #59
oisin bourke
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Dojo: Muden Juku, Ireland
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 359
Re: Why so many Haters of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido?

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
It isn't rocket science Ed.
Go invite some average people in (who are not trained fighters) to attack your teacher.
Then invite in some decent fighters and ask them them to tune your teacher.
Then answer your own question and stay or leave.

In case you don't already know this, most martial artists suck. They can neither fight well, or handle physical stresses well. Many of the "famous" teachers we follow were nothing more than budo wallpaper...also rans in their day. So, it is no surprise that those who followed them are nothing more than highly ranked wallpaper themselves. I suspect it's always been that way.

That's just an ignorant post.

"Can't fight well." Since when was budo training about producing "fighters"? Anyone with a brain can see that there are better methods if you want to kick other people's asses. The Japanese and Chinese worked out that training just for ass kicking is juvenile years ago. "budo" doesn't even mean "martial art"!

"Can't handle physical stresses well?" There was a huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan a few moths ago. Thousands died. Hundreds of thousands have been left destitute in unimaginably harsh conditions. I'd say that would cause some physical stress. Exactly the sort of "budo" training that you dismiss as producing "sucky martial artists" have helped many of them to cope with difficulty most of us will never experience, (please God).

One thing that Budo training should inculculate is some tact and respect for other people.

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